
Learning to fly…

My young son and I went downhill skiing this weekend. “Fun and frustrating” for both of us, I guess you can say... As the sun went down and we headed for home, it came to my mind that teaching my son how to go down hill has many parallels to training him in safe and conscious use of the Internet.

Last winter was the very first time he went downhill skiing, and we started by me holding him in my arms, skiing together all the time. After a while, he became comfortable trying to ski alone, having me by his side or a few metres away from him – consciously always in reach, whatever happend.

This winter, he is improving his skills. Much more steady, but still quite unaware of his surroundings – both other skiers and the terrain. So I still stay very close, watching him carefully to make sure he is reasonable safe - and to keep him away from the tracks still way to difficult for him.

I try to ask him questions about his choices and performance in order to develop his ability to reflect – and thus learn. But always focusing the most on having fun and explore, enjoying the elements and nature.

The helmet will be a crucial part of the equipment for many more years I guess…

One day he will go the same way as I did when me and my father went downhill together until I was 13 – 14 years: I will choose separate tracks, ski with my own friends in stead of him, buy my own gear and enjoy the combination of moments we share and moments of my own.

The fatherly challenge is to find the balance between guiding and letting go. May I always be there for him anyway when he falls and in need of a steady hand from a strong father.

Fly, eagle, fly. Lift your wings to the sky in your search for the sun.

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