
It is easy to take important things in life for granted. Sometimes you do not see clearly what you have until everything is put into play. A long story short: I recovered from the cancer and feel like if I have received the gift of life twice.

Many nights during the last year, I have found myself standing beside the beds of my children, admiring their peaceful faces. Thoughts of joy, gratefulness and melancholy arises side by side. I feel like the richest man on earth, as a father of the two little ones. At the same time, I wonder what life will bring them of both joy and sorrow. I realize I can contribute to both, and I realize it will be impossible for me to ensure them a life just on the sunny side.

What heritage have I given them so far in their relatively short lives? How can I parent them in a good way? Questions I ask my self as a father, and underlying questions in my job as the director of an NGO aiming to inspire, equip and enable parents to parent their children in a media world so different from our own childhood.

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